Sunday, December 6, 2009

We Have Arrived!!!

Good Morning...err, afternoon?...umm, maybe midday? Just not sure any more!  Totally besides the point though...
GREETINGS FROM THAILAND!!!!  So we arrived safe and sound perhaps a few hours ago and are now wide awake in our hotel room and judging from the silence in the rest of the hotel and outside, we can only assume that it is too early to go down for breakfast.  So let's catch up a bit shall we?
Last week we attempted to finish everything up early in the week so that we could relax leading up to the big send off.  To those of you unfortunate enough to have received a frantic call or email from us, thank you for your kindness and understanding and for looking around your houses for our taxes from last year even though there is no possible way they could have traveled!  To say that things did not go as planned is a vast understatement.  Paperwork went missing, clothes suddenly didn't fit anymore, the most comfortable shoes on the planet were not so comfortable anymore, the suitcases filled up with things to bring to the orphanage before we had even started to put our clothes in, and more than 3-4 hours of sleep a night were had in our house...which meant severe grumpiness!  Then we got a phone call from our social worker who let us know that some things had come up and some things were newly discovered that would change our itinerary a bit.  Yes I know I sound calm about it all now but at the time...not so much.  But there was nothing we could do about it, the tickets were purchased and, thanks to my mom coming over in the last hour to help, got everything packed in the right amount of suitcases and with our clothes too.  Let me just say that if there is ever a World Tetris Competition, you want my mom on your team, it is incredible the amount of stuff she got in these bags and not one wrinkle; I really hope it is a gene that will kick in in me some day :)  And above all else, none of that really mattered, we were doing all of these things in preparation to meet our son!!!
So picture this, 2am Friday morning, John and I are both wide awake with excitement, maybe a little bit of fear too, but definitely excitement.  Everyone gives up trying to sleep, get last minute things thrown in a bag, say goodbye to the most wonderful yet pathetic puppy and go on to the airport in Nashville.  Things went very smoothly, except for a gate change and a small delay, we are good to go.  We arrive in Detroit, remember that small delay?, well we end up running like a bad sit-com through the world's longest terminal (you were right mom, they don't use the old building anymore) and make it just in time.  13.5 hours later, land in Tokyo, brush the teeth, splash some water on the face, hop on the next plane for 7 hours to Bangkok.  Slightly smaller plane than the last one but more roomy and much newer which was a plus.  Finally get through immigration\customs\bagage pickup\find hotel shuttle service around 12:30am local time, get to the hotel (more on that later) Skype our families to let them know we are safe (REALLY tired, but safe), clean up and snuggle in for a few hours rest before going back to the airport to go to the south.  That lasted about an hour an a half, we both gave up, snacked on some left over rolls from the plane and here we are...waiting for breakfast to start.  The far we are 0-1.  For those of you about to travel, scratch this one off of your list, I will explain more later.  We are planning on getting to the airport fairly early so that we can exchange some money and sort out our cell phone sim cards so that we can call home more easily, and that is where we are.  I am not sure what our internet availability will look like in the near future but will update when we can!  Sorry for rambling, have I mentioned the lack of sleep lately?  Hope everyone is doing well and cannot wait to talk to you soon!
Nancy and John

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