So, about a month or so ago, the social worker from WACAP went to Thailand with a few of her colleagues and had the opportunity to meet many little ones that are waiting for their families to find them. They brought back photos and videos and information on all of them. Once they were back in the States and sorted out all of the information, we received some info in the mail. Now this next part may not sound quite right, but I unfortunately have to leave out a lot of info until things are a bit more definite. it stands right now we are patiently (ok that is a total lie!) very impatiently waiting to hear if a specific child is still available for adoption!!! It has been two weeks and one day since we inquired about this child and we were really hoping to have something more concrete to share., instead we need to ask for your help. Please keep us and this little one (I promise to give more details as soon as we can!!!) in your thoughts, prayers, chants, meditations, etc, that we will know in the near future what is in store for all of us and we can introduce all of you to the newest member of our family! Most of you who know me know that I am not the most patient person and I have slight control issues; I said slight...So preparing for the whole waiting portion of this process was something that I came to terms with long ago. However, we were prepared to wait for documents to be translated from English to Thai (not an easy or quick task I am sure) and to wait for said documents to travel around the world. I was not prepared to wait this long for an answer to a yes or no question. On the plus side, a couple that is adopting from Thailand and whose blog we have been following is in Thailand right now preparing to meet their son for the first time and bring him home!!! I am thrilled to pieces for them and love being able to see the path that we will be going down soon as well. Another bonus is the fantastic adoption community as a whole. I have never "met" such a supportive and encouraging group of people in any situation. There is always someone around to explain why things are happening the way they are and to show photos of their families with children from all over the world as proof that there is certainly a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. I have to is Game 6 in the Stanley Cup Series after all...what? I am from Detroit and have been on the edge of my seat through this whole first period so far; not as badly as two nights ago for Game 5...Triple overtime?!?!? GO WINGS!!! Anyway, I hope this finds all of you and your loved ones well and hopefully we will have some very exciting news to share soon. One last thing, I have noticed how many people have visited this blog and would love to hear from you either in the comments or feel free to email us! Take care and we will be in touch soon!
Nancy and John
How Exciting!!! We hope you hear very good news about your little one soon. We also feel so lucky to be part of this community of supportive people. Thanks! =)
ohhhh I love hearing happy blogging news it keeps my spirits up!! Gem x
Oh I'm so happy for you! We too are awaiting good news on a little one we are interested in...
Please check out our blog....
This is soooo great! I'm excited for you two/ praying as instructed. :)
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